Why are People Firing Scooter Braun

Why are People Firing Scooter Braun

Why are People Firing Scooter Braun

Here's what we know about why everyone from Ariana Grande to Demi Lovato is leaving manager Scooter Braun, who became Taylor Swift's nemesis.

If you already know the name, Scooter Braun, it's probably because of his highly publicized feud with Taylor Swift. After he bought out his owners as part of a big deal, the rest you know: Taylor immediately began re-recording his entire catalog of songs, labeling the new releases "Taylor's Versions." Why are People Firing Scooter Braun

Now, it seems Scooter is losing more face as high-profile clients dump him left and right.

The first big rumor about the alleged farewell of the music mogul was Justin Bieber, and from there, the list grew. So why is everyone leaving Scooter Braun? in front of detail.

First of all, it is important to note that as soon as the news broke out that Justin decided to withdraw from his long-standing partnership with Scooter, the "Ghost" was immediately issued by the crooner, denying that there was any truth to these rumors.

At the time of writing, Justin was still listed as a client on the manager's website.

However, where there's smoke, there's fire, because soon after, it was reported by the New York Post that Demi Lovato was no longer being represented by Scooter (but she's still on his site's roster)

Why are rumors being spread?

At this point, the source of the rumors is unclear.

The mega manager has a history of clashes in public. Brown sparked a public feud with Taylor Swift in 2019, when news broke that she had bought Big Machine Records. The $300 million sale included the legal rights to Swift's first six albums.

Braun immediately annoyed Swift's fans when he re-shared an Instagram story, saying he "bought" her. Why are People Firing Scooter Braun

Swift condemned the sale in an open letter on Tumblr, accusing Brown of "incessant, manipulative bullying."

Just 17 months later, Brown sold Swift's master recordings to a private-equity company called Shamrock Holdings. Swift said he tried to buy them himself, but Brown's team told him to sign "an iron-clad NDA" before he could place a bid.

In March 2022, Anna Sillman of Insider published an investigation into Brown's empire, exploring his strained relationship with Ye (formerly known as Kanye West) - another former client - and his complicated reputation among musicians, journalists, and fellow managers. Why are People Firing Scooter Braun

Several sources told Sillman that Brown burned the bridges of art with scorched-earth tactics and an "obsession with fame and power."

"I don't think you can pretend to be a good guy on social media, but behind the scenes, to be one of the toughest people in the business," said one industry player. " "It's a very small business. You just lack the people to cheat. "

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