Smart Bangladesh Essay | Smart Bangladesh Focus Writing

Smart Bangladesh Essay | Smart Bangladesh Focus Writing

What is Smart Bangladesh?

"Smart Bangladesh" is a term that is often used to refer to the idea of modernizing and developing Bangladesh, particularly through the use of technology. This could include initiatives to improve infrastructure, increase access to education and healthcare, and promote economic growth. It could also involve the adoption of new technologies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government and other organizations, as well as to enhance the quality of life for citizens.

The government has fixed four bases -- smart citizens, smart economy, smart government, and smart Society -- to make the country 'Smart Bangladesh'.

Smart Bangladesh Essay | Smart Bangladesh Focus Writing

Of late, the government has taken initiative to build a Smart Bangladesh' based on a higher economy, advanced technology, and greater knowledge by the year 2041. This latest move is an obviously bigger and brighter step aimed at taking the country to the next level upon tasting success with regard to establishing 'Digital Bangladesh. The amount of natural or mineral resources in Bangladesh is less. So, not mineral resources; Smart Bangladesh will be built with the combination of talented generation, uninterrupted power supply, and high-speed internet.

As part of materializing 'Vision-2041 to transform the country into a developed one, the government has set a target of building 'Smart City' and 'Smart Village' within the period. Since the present government has successfully implemented 'Vision 2021' building the 'Digital Bangladesh', it is now working on developing ultramodern power grids, a green economy and skills, recognizing freelancing as a profession, and urban development to build an innovative 'Smart Bangladesh' with a merit-based economy by 2041. 

The key feature of Smart Bangladesh:

  1. Establish Bangladesh as a knowledge-based economy and innovative nation. 
  2. Undertake self-employment-based training activities under the Digital Inclusion for Venerable Exceptions (Dive) initiative to build an inclusive digital society and bring backward marginalized people into the mainstream of development.
  3. Continuing laptop support activities for students under 'One Student, One Laptop, One Dream' to ensure online activities of students.
  4. Establish Digital Leadership Academy to build a smart and ubiquitous government.
  5. Prepare enterprise-based businesses as investment-friendly start-ups to contribute to the GDP of small, cottage, small and medium enterprises.
  6. Establish an Interactive School for Start-up Educators of Tomorrow (Asset).
  7. Construction and management of Bangladesh Knowledge Development Park.
  8. Establishment of Centre for Learning Innovation and Creation of Knowledge (CLICK).
  9. Establishment of Agency for Knowledge on Aeronautical and Space Horizon (Akash). 
  10. Establishment of Self Employment and Entrepreneurship Development (SED) Platform.
  11. Bring all digital services to a centrally integrated cloud. It will be implemented by all ministries and departments.

The ICT department is arranging training for the youth to build skilled manpower by mixing creativity with technology. As part of this, it has been decided to set up a Motion Graphics Animation Lab at Dhaka University and another Motion Graphics Animation Lab at ICT Tower at a cost of Tk 8 crore in a few days. The ICT department will help them to create world-class games from here so that they can lead the gaming world. Noting that the gaming industry is now bigger than the Bollywood industry, the ICT industry is the most important industry in diversifying trade to raise the average income of Smart Bangladesh to Tk 12,000, and the youth is its main driving force.

To wrap up, as Bangladesh's attention has recently switched to the technology sector, which is the driving force behind transformation into Smart Bangladesh, powered by a knowledge economy, the country should properly plan and manage its budgetary allocation which is crucial for taking the country.

01. What is "Smart Bangladesh," and what does it aim to achieve?

Smart Bangladesh is a concept that refers to the integration of technology into various sectors of the country to improve efficiency, productivity, and overall standard of living for citizens. It aims to create a digital and connected society, where government services are easily accessible to citizens and economic development is driven by technology and innovation.

02. What are some of the key technology initiatives that are being undertaken as part of the "Smart Bangladesh" vision?

Some of the key technology initiatives that are being undertaken as part of the "Smart Bangladesh" vision include:

Building a national fiber optic network to provide high-speed internet access to all citizens
Developing e-governance systems to improve the delivery of public services
Implementing a digital ID system to improve financial inclusion and security
Increasing the use of renewable energy to power the country's economic development
Developing a robust IT and software industry to drive economic growth and create jobs.

03. How will "Smart Bangladesh" benefit citizens and businesses?

"Smart Bangladesh" is expected to benefit citizens and businesses in a number of ways. For citizens, it will provide access to high-speed internet and government services, increasing their ability to access information and services, as well as improve financial inclusion. For businesses, it will improve the ease of doing business and provide access to new markets and customers through the use of technology. Additionally, the development of an IT industry will also create new jobs and economic opportunities.

04. What are the main challenges that the government is facing in implementing the "Smart Bangladesh" vision?

Some of the main challenges that the government is facing in implementing the "Smart Bangladesh" vision include:

Limited infrastructure and resources to support the implementation of technology projects
Lack of technical skills and knowledge among government officials and citizens
Limited access to affordable and reliable electricity, which is necessary to power technology infrastructure
Political and bureaucratic obstacles that can slow down or impede progress on implementing technology projects
High costs of implementing large-scale technology projects

05. How is the government working to address these challenges and ensure the successful implementation of the "Smart Bangladesh" vision?

The government is working to address these challenges by:

Providing training and education to government officials and citizens to increase their knowledge and skills related to technology
Developing public-private partnerships to leverage private-sector resources and expertise to support the implementation of technology projects
Investing in infrastructure and resources, such as building a national fiber optic network and increasing access to electricity
Streamlining government processes and reducing bureaucracy to improve the ease of implementing technology projects
Utilizing international aid and investment to support the development of the technology sector and infrastructure.

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