Probashi Kallyan Bank Senior Officer (2022) Written Question with Math Solution

Probashi Kallyan Bank Senior Officer (2022) Written Question with Math Solution 

PKB SO GK questions & Solutions:
1.largest lake in the world? 
Ans- Caspian Sea
2.2023 world cup cricket will be held in which country? 
Ans- India
3.Currency of Ukraine? 
Ans- Ukranian Hybrnia
4.largest trade deficit of BD with which country? 
Ans- China
5.Bangabandhu's arrival date after independence? 
Ans- 10 January, 1972
6.GDP growth rate of BD in 2021 according to BBS?
Ans- 6.94%
7. Product of the year 2020?
Ans- Light Engineering Product
8.Women tax free income range in 2021-22 budget?
Ans- 3.5 lakh taka
9.Longest & narrowest country in the world? 
Ans- China ( In terms of Population)
Russia ( In terms of land area)
10.Franz Kafa award is given in which field?
Ans- Writing (Literature)
11. Which Operator launch 5G?
Ans- Teletalk
12. BD finally LDC year?
Ans- 2026
13.UNCTAD Bangladesh E-commerce rank?
Ans- 115th
14. Which country will assist Bangabandhu Satellite 2?
Ans- Russia
15. Nobel prize given from which city and country?
Ans- Aslo, Norway

PKB SO : Written Exam 
12 March, 2022
1. English Focus Writing: The impact of Air pollution on health and economy (30)

2. বাংলা ফোকাস রাইটিং: ব্যাংকিং খাতে খেলাপি ঋণের প্রভাব এবং এর সম্ভাব্য প্রতিকার (30)

3. General Knowledge (15*2=30)
a) What is the name of the largest lake in the world? 
b) 2023 world cup cricket will be hosted by which country? 
c) What is the currency of Ukraine? 
d) With which country Bangladesh has the largest trade deficit?
e) What is the Bangabandhu's arrival date in liberated & sovereign Bangladesh after independence? 
f) What is the GDP growth rate of Bangladesh in 2021 according to BBS?
g) What is the Product of the year 2020?
h) What is the women’s tax free income range in 2021-22 budget?
i) Which is the Longest & narrowest country in the world? 
j) Franz Kafa award is given in which field?
k) 5G network is started in Bangladesh by which mobile network company?
l) By which year Bangladesh will be graduated from LDC finally?
m) What is the E-commerce rank of Bangladesh according to UNCTAD?
n) Noble peace prize is awarded from which city?
o) Which country will assist Bangladesh with launching Bangabandhu satellite-2?

4. Passage (4*5=20)
Theme of the passage: Sami and Tanvir. Two class mates. Tanvir had a jealousy with Sami as Sami was brilliant, humble and gregarious. Sami was a student of well characteristics. For this reason friends surrounding him used to jealous with him. One day Sami was presented with a very nice pen by his father on his birthday. He liked his pen a lot as it writes first and he used to take notes with the pen. One day Tanvir stole Sami’s pen during tiffin period as he was never gifted with such a present from his parents. Sami was very sad at this and he complained this issue to his teacher. The teacher called on the monitor of the class and asked to check everyone’s bag. After searching the monitor found the pen in Tanvir’s bag. At this point, the teacher severely scold Tanvir and Tanvir stared weeping out. Seeing this Sami got pitied and asked the teacher to forgive Tanvir. Understanding the considering  mentality and friendly manner of Sami Tanvir understood his faults with his mentality and hugged Sami with a melting heart. From then they became good friends.

a) Why all had a jealousy with Sami?
b) What is the relation between Sami and Tanvir?
c) What was Sami gifted by his father?
d) Why Tanvir stole Sami’s pen?

5. Mathematics (10*5=50)

Probashi Kallyan Bank Senior Officer (2022) Written Question with Math Solution

a) What is the probability of getting a sum of 9 when two dice are thrown simultaneously?

b) A motorboat, whose speed in 15 km/hr in still water goes 30 km downstream and comes back in a total of 4 hours 30 minutes. The speed of the stream (in km/hr) is?

c) A train passes a station platform in 36 seconds and a man standing on the platform in 20 seconds. If the speed of the train is 54 km/hr, what is the length of the platform?

d) A and B started a business in partnership investing  Rs. 20,000 and Rs. 15,000 respectively. After six months, C joined them with Rs. 20,000. What will be B's share in the total profit of Rs. 25,000 earned at the end of 2 years from the starting of the business.

e) A person's present age is two-fifth of the age of his mother. After 8 years, he will be one-half of the age of his mother. How old is the mother at present?

f) A and B together can complete a piece of work in 3 days. They start together. But, after 2 days, B left the work, If the work is completed after 2 next days. B alone could do the work in?

g) If A lent to B 5000tk for 2 years and to C 3000tk for 4 years at the same interest, then A got 2200 tk interest in total. What is the rate of interest?

h) If the price of a commodity decreases 20% and consumption increases 20%, then how much it will increase or decrease in the total expenditure?

i) Raju purchased an item for Rs. 8200 and sold it at a gain of 25% . From that amount he purchased another item and sold it at a loss of 20% . What is his overall gain loss ?

j) Two pipe can fill a cistern in 3 hours and 4 hours respectively and a waste pipe can empty it in 2 hours. If all the three pipes are kept open, then the cistern will be filled in?

6. Bangla to English Translation (20)
দূষিত ও অপরিকল্পিত ঢাকা শহরের দুর্বিষহ জীবন, জীবিকা ও ভোগান্তি সম্পর্কিত 

7. ইংরেজী থেকে বাংলায় অনুবাদ (20)
Women’s contributions in family, society and economy related

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