Bangabandhu satellite-2 | Essay | Focus Writing

Bangabandhu satellite-2

Bangladesh has entered the elite club of satellites as the 57th country in the world by launching Bangabandhu Satellite-1 into space on 11 May 2018. The launch of the country's second satellite will start in 2023. Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), a French company, has been appointed as the lowest bidder for the second satellite. An agreement worth 1 lakh 85 thousand dollars (1 crore 56 lakh taka) has been signed with the consulting firm. 

The second will be a hybrid satellite. The satellite will be used for weather, surveillance, or security purposes. The big advantage of the satellite is that it doesn’t have to build new facilities like the first satellite. it doesn’t have to build a company, doesn't have to build a ground station, doesn't have to rent an orbital slot. This will make the task much easier. Two satellites can be placed side by side where the orbital slot is.

Bangladesh has applied to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for four more slots (69,74,102 degrees and including two before) for Bangabandhu Satellite-2. Bangladesh has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Russian Federation's Glove Cosmos for the launch of Bangabandhu Satellite-2.

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