৪১তম বিসিএস (লিখিত) ইংরেজি পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান ২০২১

৪১তম বিসিএস (লিখিত) ইংরেজি পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান ২০২১

৪১তম বিসিএস (লিখিত) ইংরেজি পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান ২০২১

 ৪১তম বিসিএস লিখিত পরীক্ষার বাংলা থেকে ইংরেজি অনুবাদ 

✍️যুদ্ধ, নিপীড়ন, সহিংসতা ও মানবাধিকার লঙ্ঘন থেকে বাঁচতে আজ সারা বিশ্বে ৮ কোটি ২০ লাখের বেশি মানুষ বাস্তুচ্যুত। 
==At present, more than 82 million people around the world are displaced to save themselves from war, oppression, violence, and human rights abuses.
বাস্তুচ্যুত মানুষের এ রেকর্ড সংখ্যা পুরো বাংলাদেশের জনসংখ্যার প্রায় অর্ধেক।
==This record number of displaced people is almost half of the total population of Bangladesh. 
✍️সারা বিশ্বে বাস্তুচ্যুতির প্রধান উৎসের পাঁচটি দেশের একটি মিয়ানমার, যেখান থেকে ২০১৭ সালে প্রায় ১০ লাখ রোহিঙ্গা শরণার্থী হয়ে বাংলাদেশে পালিয়ে এসেছে।
==Myanmar is one of the five major sources of displacement across the world, from where about 10 lakh Rohingya fled to Bangladesh being refugees in 2017.
✍️উদার মানবিকতার দৃষ্টান্ত হিসেবে বাংলাদেশ চার বছর ধরে এসব রোহিঙ্গা শরণার্থীকে কক্সবাজারে আশ্রয় দিচ্ছে।
==Bangladesh has been sheltering these Rohingya refugees in Cox's Bazar for four years as an example of liberal humanity.
✍️এই শরণার্থীরা নিজ দেশে ফিরে যেতে চায়; কিন্তু তাদের নিরাপত্তা, মর্যাদা এবং মিয়ানমারের নাগরিক হওয়ার একটি সুষ্ঠু পরিকল্পনা ছাড়া সেটা সম্ভব নয়।
==These displaced refugees want to return to their respective countries. But it is not possible without a fair plan for the security, dignity, and citizenship of Myanmar. 
✍️তার আগপর্যন্ত এখানে আমরা তাদের সুরক্ষা, সহায়তা ও নিরাপত্তা দিয়ে যাচ্ছি। 
==Until then, we have been providing them protection, support, and safety.
✍️প্রত্যেক শরণার্থীর রয়েছে ব্যক্তিগত দুঃখ–কষ্ট ও যন্ত্রণার ইতিহাস।
==Every refugee has a history of individual suffering and misery.
✍️বিশ্ব শরণার্থী দিবসের এই দিনে আমরা স্মরণ করি তাদের দৃঢ় প্রত্যয় ও টিকে থাকার মনোভাবকেও।
==We also remember their firm conviction and the struggle of survival on this day of World Refugee Day.
✍️তারা নিয়মিত সংগ্রাম করে যাচ্ছে মর্যাদার সঙ্গে বেঁচে থাকতে। তারা আশাবাদী, একদিন তারা নিজ দেশ মিয়ানমারে ফিরে যাবে।
==They are regularly struggling to survive with dignity. They are optimistic that one day they will return to Myanmar, their homeland.

Read the following passage and answer the question nos 1-7 that follow:


An influential group of scientists have recently warned that several climate tipping points are now imminent. The researchers, part of a group of more than 14000 scientists who have signed on an initiative declaring a worldwide climate emergency. said that governments had consistently failed to address the root cause of climate change: ‘the overexploitation of the earth’. In a similar assessment in 2019. they noted an ‘unprecedented surge’ in climate-related disasters including flooding in South America and Southeast Asia. record-shattering heatwaves and wildfires in Australia and the USA and devastating cyclones in Africa and South Asian of 31 ‘vital signs’—key metrics of planetary health that include greenhouse gas emissions, glacier thickness sea-ice extent and deforestation—they found that 18 hit records highs or lows. For example, despite a dip in pollution linked to the pandemic. levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane hit all-time highs in 2021; Greenland and Antarctica both have recently showed all-time low levels of ice mass, and glaciers are melting 31 percent faster than they did just 15 years ago. they said. Both ocean heat and global sea levels set new records since 2019, and the annual loss rate of the Brazilian Amazon reached a 12-year high in 2020. Echoing previous research. they said that forest degradation linked to fire, drought and logging was causing parts of the Brazilian Amazon to now act as the source of carbon, rather than absorb the gas from the atmosphere. Tim Lemon, director of the University of Exeter’s Global systems Institute and study co-author, said the recent record-breaking heat waves in the Western United States and Canada showed that the climate had already begun to behave in shocking, unexpected ways’. “We need to respond to the evidence that we are hitting ciliate tipping points with equally urgent action to decarbonise the global economy and start restoring instead of destroying nature,” he said. The researchers said there was ‘mounting evidence that we are nearing or have already crossed’ a number of climate tipping points. These include melting of the Greeplantand West Antarmicice…slitels, which may now be irreversible on a centuries-long time scale, regardless of how or if humankind slashes its emissions. They said increasing ocean deoxygenation and warming waters were threatening warm-water coral reefs, upon which half a billion people rely for food, income and storm protection. The study has been published in the journal Bioscience. The authors echoed previous calls for transformative change infiLareas: eliminating fossil fuels, slashing pollutants, restoring ecosystems, switching to plant-based diets, moving away from indefinite growth models, and stabilizing the human population. They also called for climate change education to be included in school core curriculums globally in order to raise awareness. In the immediate term they proposed a trio of emergency responses to the climate emergency. These consisted of ‘a a significant carbon price’, a global phase-out and ban of fossil fuels, and the development of strategic climate reserves such as restoring and maintaining carbon sinks and biodiversity hotspots. “Policies to combat the climate crisis or any other symptoms should address their root cause: human overexploitation of the planet,” said William Ripple. distinguished professor of ecology at Oregon State University’s College of Forestry.

1. Answer the following questions in your own words without copying any sentences from the passage above:

(a) What is the main reason of climate change?

Ans: As greenhouse gas emissions blanket the Earth, they trap the sun’s heat. This leads to global warming and climate change. The world is now warming faster than at any point in recorded history.

(b) What does ‘unprecedented surge’ refer to?

(c) Mention some key metrics of planetary health.

(d) What hit all-time highs in 2021?

(e) Why cannot Brazilian Amazon absorb carbon from the atmosphere?

(f) What are the proofs of the changed behaviour of climate?

(g) Mention the evidence that we are nearing or have already crossed a number of climate tipping points.

(h) Describe the areas of Transformative change.

(i) What did the scientists propose as the immediate response to the climate emergency?

(j) Give a suitable title to the passage.

Ans: (a to j) try yourself using your own thought and idea. 

2. Write the meanings of the expressions of the following words in English using contextual clues words/expressions are underlined in the passage:

(a) tipping point = significant effect

(b) emission = The production and discharge of gas and radiation

(c) logging = the activity or business of felling trees and cutting and preparing the timber

(d) irreversible = not able to be altered

(c) slash = decrease

3. Fill in the empty cells with appropriate words according to their parts of speech: 



4. Give an antonym for each of the following words and make sentence with the antonyms:

(a) consistently = inconsistently [In the real world, people behave inconsistently and contradict themselves. 

(b) devastating = blessed [The rain brought blessed relief from the heat] 

(c) action = indolence [My failure is probably due to my own indolence] 

(d) core = minor [His injuries were relatively minor] 

(e) awareness = ignorance [He acted in ignorance of basic procedures]

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