HSC 2021 Business Organization and Management 2nd Paper
এইচএসসি ২০২১ ব্যবসায় সংগঠন ও ব্যবস্থাপনা -
একটি প্রতিষ্ঠানের সার্বিক সাফল্য নির্ভর করে ব্যবস্থাপনার মৌলিক কার্যাবলী
Business Organization and Management's first-week assignment has been published for HSC 2021 candidates. You can get the complete solution in the assignment from our website. Only this assignment 30 assignments of 15 weeks you will get from our website with a solution. However, in the case of a solution, it is only a sample solution. You have to use your creativity to record the assignment well. That is why the solution of the assignment has to be served by using creativity without completely copying it.
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