What Food Has the Highest Calcium?
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What Food Has the Highest Calcium? |
Do you want to know what food has the highest
now there are other types of cheeses
that are high in calcium but
parmesan cheese has the most calcium of any food
which is interesting you can also get calcium
from leafy greens nuts seeds things like that
but the cheese will give you the most calcium now
if you have a prostate problem or you have high
estrogen levels or a fibroid if you're female
you want to get your calcium from other sources
not cheese because too much cheese can actually
swell up the prostate and cause difficulty
urinating as well as getting up too frequently
through the night so I'm not suggesting that you
just start consuming cheese but you know a little
bit of cheese would give you a good amount of
calcium especially parmesan cheese now that's
all interesting but what is calcium good for most
people talk about bone health which is true and
preventing muscle cramps which is absolutely
true because you need calcium as the part of
the contraction mechanism in your muscles as
well as magnesium for relaxation but mainly
calcium as the contraction part of a muscle
cycle but also blood clotting you need calcium
from blood clotting but it has another very
the very important purpose that I want to bring up
which has to do with supporting your cellular
membranes okay and specifically cell signaling
and another interesting point is in a plant
calcium has everything to do with supporting
the membranes of a plant cell so without calcium
you get all sorts of holes in the membrane and
it makes things fragile and it creates all
sorts of additional issues but with our body
it really makes that cellular membrane very very
strong and it regulates the resealing mechanism
the repair mechanism of that cell membrane
which is a bilayer or double layer of fat
so whether there's mechanical damage from
exercise or trauma to the cell membranes or
chemical damage okay from pesticides whatever
or alcohol or infection virus bacterial fungus
or a lack of oxygen from a blood clot or a heart
attack or just free radical damage in general
which leaves the membrane with little holes
in it or damage calcium comes in there and
helps to regulate this process to help reseal
it and so this is one of the big problems with
calcium if you have chronic damage to your
cell membranes as in chronic inflammation
you get calcium buildup in the tissues
in the joints and inside the arteries
in the brain on the eyes so calcium is part
of the healing process or in the repair process
and so anytime you see calcium deposits anywhere
in the body realize it has to do with chronic
inflammation and an overstimulation
of this healing mechanism that occurs
and so then people start taking vitamin k2 to
remove the calcium and they start to avoid calcium
what they really need to do is address the
inflammation and to do that you need to re-address
a lot of things you have to take a holistic
approach but anyway I wanted to emphasize the
great importance calcium has in our body and the
the big function that a lot of people don't know about
maintaining cell membrane repair and health hey
before you go real quick.