Completing story with Bangla Meaning

  Most popular Completing story with Bangla Meaning

Devotion Towards Mother

Bayazid was a small boy. He was very obedient to his mother. One night the boy Bayazid was learning his lessons sitting beside the bed of his ailing mother. All on a sudden, his mother woke up and asked him to give her a glass of water.

Bayazid went to the pitcher to bring water. But there was no water in the pitcher.  It was then dark all around. In spite of that, Bayazid went out to bring water from a distant fountain. Taking water Bayazid returned home quickly and found his mother in deep sleep. He did not awaken her as she was sleeping deeply. He remained standing beside her bed with a glass of water in his hand.  In the morning when his mother woke up, she was surprised to see her son standing with a glass of water. She embraced her son with great love and affection and blessed him from the core of her heart. This boy later became a famous Muslim saint in his life. Hence, a mother’s blessing never goes in vain.

The Fox Without a Tail

Once there lived a clever fox in a jungle. One day while walking through the jungle, he fell into a trap. He could somehow get out of the trap but he had to leave his tail.

Without a tail he looked very strange and ugly. So, he felt very sad and ashamed. He hit upon a plan to solve the problem. He called a meeting in the jungle and invited all the foxes. When all the foxes came to the meeting, he told them that he had made a very important discovery. He told them that their tails were quite useless and unnecessary. Rather they looked ugly and dirty. So it would be wise if they cut off their tails. For this reason, he himself had cut off his tail. After having cut his tail he felt more comfortable and free. At that moment an old and wise fox stood up and said, ”My dear friend, you have lost your tail after falling into a trap. Now want us to cut off our tails too.” Now all the foxes that attended the meeting understood the tricks of the fox. The old fox rebuked him and left the place. All other foxes followed him. Without a tail Mr. fox also felt very ashamed and went away from there.

Failure is the Pillar of Success

It was a long since Robert Bruce had been the king of Scotland. He was a good ruler and a brave warrior. He reigned over the country well and his subjects were happy under his rule. But the greedy king of England once attacked his kingdom. Robert Bruce opposed the enemy with all his forces and tried his best to save his country.

But his fortune did not smile upon him. After repeated defeats, he had to retreat in despair and take shelter in a lonely cave. One day, he was lying in the cave. Suddenly he saw a spider trying to reach the ceiling with the help of its silken thread. The repeated attempts of the spider had drawn his attention. He observed it with keen interest =. The spider was trying again and again to reach the ceiling but every time it got down after going up a few inches. In spite of repeated failures, the spider did not get disheartened. It tried again and again. At last, in its seven-time attempts, it became successful. It inspired Robert Bruce. He came out of the cave and began to gather forces and made the last attempt and came out successful. Scotland was regained. Robert Bruce set an Example of the truth.

The Liar Suffer in the Long Run

Once there lived a shepherd boy in a village near the forest. He used to tend a flock of cows near a forest. He was a naughty boy. He often got pleasure in making fun with the villagers.

One day, while tending cows, he hit upon a plan to befool the villagers. Accordingly, he started shouting, “help! Help! Wolf! Wolf!” Hearing the shouts, the villagers rushed to the spot to rescue him. They asked him, “where is the Wolf?” The boy laughed and replied that it was just fun to make them fool. In this way, he made funs for several days. One day he was tending his cows as usual near the same forest. Suddenly a wolf really came. The boy cried out for help at the top of his voice. But the villagers thought it to be his regular fun as before. So, nobody came to help him. The wolf attacked and killed him. This was the penalty for his telling lies. So, we should always speak the truth. Telling a lie all evil deeds and dangers and a liar never goes unpunished. 

United we stand, Divided we fall

Once there was an old farmer in a village. He had four sons. They used to quarrel among themselves all the time. So, there was no peace in the family and this made the old farmer unhappy.

The farmer tried to stop their quarrel but failed. To pacify them last he thought out a plan. One day the farmer called his sons and asked them to bring a stick. Each of them brought a stick. The farmer then asked one of his sons to tie the sticks into a bundle and told them to break the bundle. They tried but failed. The farmer then untied the bundle and gave one stick to each of his sons and asked them to break it. This time each of them was able to break it easily. The old farmer was happy to see it. Now, he said to them,” My dear sons, if you live together remain united you will be strong and nobody can do any harm to you. But if you are divided, everybody will do harm to you easily. The sons realized their fault and stopped quarreling and begun to live in unity and amity.

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