Teenage gangs are involving in dangerous crime

 We are frightened at the ascent of a posse culture among youngsters in the capital and somewhere else in the nation. As indicated by a report in The Daily Star, around 40 young packs are dynamic in the capital while in the port city of Chattogram, there are around a hundred such groups. These packs are associated with a wide range of crimes—from unimportant wrongdoings to kill, following to assault, and robbing to medicate misuse, and generally work under the support of neighborhood administering party pioneers who go about as powerful "senior siblings". Over the most recent four months, over twelve individuals have apparently been killed by adolescent suspects. 

Last September, Nila Roy, a tenth grader, was killed in Savar by Mizan, a twelfth grader and a high school individual from the scandalous "Shakil and Sakib" posse. Shakil and Sakib are children of a nearby compelling Awami League pioneer who utilized their dad's impact and capacity to conceal their wrongdoings. Local people affirmed that individuals from this posse were engaged with the medication exchange, used to follow and attack young ladies and were additionally famous for blackmailing individuals and organizations in Savar. The famous Nayan Bond's pack "007" in Barguna, which killed Rifat Sharif with no attempt at being subtle a year ago, is a glaring case of the adolescent posse culture that is prospering the nation over. The pack was supposedly sponsored by the child of a top neighborhood Awami League pioneer. A Barguna court as of late condemned 11 adolescents to jail for the homicide. The ongoing assault in Noakhali's Begumganj that insulted the whole country was likewise dedicated by an adolescent group named "Delwar Bahini". Apparently, at any rate two dozen such groups work with endowments from some decision party pioneers in Begumganj alone. 

These are only three of the most discussed violations lately. Numerous such wrongdoings are being completed by high school gangsters in the capital and all over the nation. Obviously, none of the packs could exist without the support of their political "older siblings". 

While the law implementers must recognize the packs and stay cautious against their exercises to free our general public of this group culture, we ought to underline more on setting up social control than receptive activities from law authorities. The state and society should cooperate to draw in young men in beneficial exercises through youth clubs for example, so they are not pulled in to reprobate or criminal conduct, which is viewed as an indication of intensity among their circles. All the more critically, we won't have the option to see an adjustment in the circumstance if political patronisation isn't halted, since youngsters are taking part in posse culture to feel significant and get associated with power. Political pioneers, who are utilizing youngsters to control networks or zones, must be considered responsible for either making or empowering pack culture.

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