Sun Roars

We have been grabbing the solar power everyday from the burning entity in the sky. Not only us, all the species in our planet; depends on that burning orange entity for their living process. Yes, you guessed it correct! I am indicating towards; the "Sun". 🌞

Well, how many us are sound to the noise of sun? I guess very few indeed. Nasa has been observing sun for over last 20 years and it has found out that the sound is produced in the form of waves of pressure. These are created by huge pockets of hot gas rising from deep inside the Sun, flying to the solar surface at hundreds of thousands of miles per hour. The vastness of the surface of the sun, combined with its ability to produce tens of thousands of watts of sound energy per meter, makes the sun astronomically loud.

Because sound waves can't travel through the vacuum of space, we can not hear the sun. It requires an atmosphere where they travel by generating pressure changes. The sound of the sun includes many distinct frequencies mixed together, according to McIntosh. The general consensus is that an air embolism in our lungs, which then travels to our hearts and kills us, could be caused by a loud enough sound. Alternatively, from the increased air pressure, our lungs could simply burst. Physical damage can be caused by high-intensity ultrasonic sound (usually anything above 20KHz).

So, what do you think? Are not we lucky enough not to hear the roar of the sun (directly)? 😌😌

Faria Benteh Rahman, Marketing Researcher (Catware As), Norway

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