Single plastic products threaten for health: Environment

 General wellbeing, just as the climate of Abhaynagar upazila in Jessore, stand compromised as single-utilize plastic items flood shops and stop up channels. 

Earthy people accuse the Department of Environment's apathetic demeanor for the serious circumstance and request essential strides to actualize the High Court's January 9 order of halting the utilization of polythene sacks and single-utilize plastic items the nation over inside a year. 

Sources state there are around 8,000 tea slows down in Abhaynagar and an expected 100,000 cups of tea are sold each day. The vast majority of the shops utilize single-utilize plastic cups. 

Preservationists state these cups are answerable for obstructing channels and causing waterlogging in Nawapara metropolitan territory. 

The plastic plates and cups are famous things utilized on different events as they can simply be discarded after use. These cups are generally sold at Nawapara Market. 

Abdur Rahman, Kalim Uddin and Anwar Hossain, tea slow down proprietors in Payra Bazar of the upazila, said police officers from Bhabdah police camp broke their glasses and cups as they didn't have one-time plastic cups. 

This incited them to begin utilizing plastic cups, they said however declined to remark when asked how they disposed of the single-use things. 

Mangal Kumar, a plastic items broker, said there are around 20 shops in Nawapara Market that sell one-time plastic things. "Consistently they're selling around 100,000 single-utilize plastic cups that cost 70 paisa to Tk one for each piece," he said. 

MM Kamarul Islam, an individual from the ecological gathering, said plastic is as destructive to the human body with respect to the climate. Prompt and viable measures ought to be taken to stop the utilization of these enduring plastic materials, he said. 

Dr SM Mahamudur Rahman Rizvi, Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer, clarified that these items are made utilizing hurtful synthetic compounds called polymers, which cause unfriendly responses in the human body and represent a genuine danger to the climate. 

"Drinking tea or boiling water in plastic cups makes serious harm the skin, heart, kidneys and liver," he said adding that it is smarter to utilize dirt cups or glass cups rather than plastic. 

Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land) KM Rafiqul Islam said the utilization of plastic items made of polyethylene and polypropylene or any compound of both is an infringement of the Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Act 1995. 

Anybody could look as long as two years in prison or a fine of Tk 2 lakh or both for utilizing these things, he said. 

"We have to raise far reaching public attention to forestall the utilization of plastics. On the off chance that essential, portable courts will be worked," he added. 

Nobody from DoE's Jessore office was accessible for input.


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