Drug rehabilitation centers should provide treatment

 A report distributed in yesterday uncovered a stunning image of our restoration communities where patients are dealt with more like "hoodlums" as opposed to with care and sympathy. As per a patient who had been admitted to the recovery places in Dhaka and Gazipur a few times, "beating, punching and being left to starve as discipline or giving dozing pills are the methods of treatment in the recoveries." He said that the heartless treatment in the focuses left a profound scar at the forefront of his thoughts and that he actually has bad dreams. Our journalist addressed 10 such individuals who were admitted to recoveries and every one of them said they had a comparable encounter. 

What is considerably all the more stressing are the reports of passings at the recovery places. Over the most recent three years, in any event 17 bodies have been recuperated from recovery focuses the nation over, as per police information. The ongoing passing of Anisul Karim Shipon, a senior right hand administrator of Police, at the Mind Aid Hospital, has brought the issue of abuse and torment to the front. Video film of the episode demonstrated some staff of the middle nailing him down and pounding him until his body got unmoving. 

As indicated by the Department of Narcotics Control (DNC), there are 351 private restoration communities the nation over, of which 105 are in the Dhaka metropolitan region. Aside from them, there are a lot more recoveries that are running without licenses. They don't have prepared specialists and medical caretakers regardless of a paper notice by the home service on July 2, 2005 creation it required for the focuses to have full-time specialists, therapists, and prepared attendants. The outcome is that, as opposed to helping the patients to defeat chronic drug use, they are causing them more pressure and mental injury. 

This culture of misuse and abuse at recoveries must reach a conclusion. The DNC needs to have a checking instrument set up so they know precisely what's going on inside these focuses. A restoration place must have a specialist, a clinical physiologist, advocates and other wellbeing laborers, and there should likewise be sufficient space for patients to do actual exercises, as indicated by DNC rules. The recoveries that are not following the rules ought to be shut right away. In addition, individuals' observation about chronic drug use must change; we have to comprehend that illicit drug use is a mental issue, not a wrongdoing.


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