Bangladesh crowned champion in worldwide robotics contest

 Robotics contest champion

We healthily praise the group of youthful trend-setters who have brought shrubs for the nation subsequent to turning into the boss in the greatest worldwide mechanical technology rivalry for secondary school understudies named FIRST Global Challenge, going up against 173 nations. The three-month-long yearly challenge, styled after the Olympics, was held online this year because of the pandemic. The 10-part Team Bangladesh won 117 focuses to make sure about the top position, trailed by Chile with 115 focuses. A year ago, in the third version of this opposition, the Bangladesh group stood seventh. In the current year's function, the colleagues, all tutored by the Tech Academy, occupied with web-based media and specialized difficulties testing their aptitudes in the fields of advanced mechanics and designing. The continuous advancement of our members during that time show their developing aptitudes and knowledge of a worldwide level test, which brings our expectations up later on for our understudies. 

The acknowledgment, in any case, comes when there are mounting worries about the eventual fate of STEM, which represents subjects identified with the general classifications of science, innovation, designing and arithmetic, in Bangladesh. Accessible examinations planning the directions of understudies show declining interest or association in these subjects, particularly science. Today, a mind-boggling number of understudies can't examine science, while an inexorably enormous number are not intrigued by it by any means. While a portion of the explanations behind this might be close to home, most are auxiliary. 

For example, as indicated by a report by The Daily Star in 2017, numerous schools and universities don't have a science office or club, albeit all instructive establishments have business studies or humanities offices. Of the establishments that have science divisions, few have well-prepared research facilities. There is likewise an enormous shortage of very much prepared science educators and quality course readings. Schools frequently force qualifying blemishes on understudies ready to take science subsequent to passing review eight, because of restricted seats, which likewise fills in as a hindrance. These limitations and asset requirements are answerable for the declining quantities of science understudies. As per a BANBEIS report in 2015, the quantity of understudies contemplating science at the optional level decreased at a pace of 48 percent from 1993 to 2015. The rate was 36 percent at the higher auxiliary level somewhere in the range of 1995 and 2015. 

We have to change this situation. We have to make it simple, alluring and even gainful for understudies to consider STEM and fabricate a profession out of it, since an economy can't advance without a sound number of graduates driving its development scene. We need qualified instructors and quality course readings, guided by advanced training strategy intelligent of the earnestness in such manner. We ask the legislature to make fundamental strides in such manner and expand all approach, subsidizing and infrastructural backing to eliminate existing hindrances, so our young understudies can lead the nation in the coming days.

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