Automation Software, launched by DU

 From topping off assessment structures to gathering concede cards to getting to their test outcomes, everything is presently accessible online to the understudies of Dhaka University. 

Bad habit Chancellor Prof Md Akhtaruzzaman divulged a mechanization programming to deal with all understudy exercises on the web. 

The product was dispatched at a capacity in the workplace of the Controller of Examinations, Bahalul Haque Chowdhury, the college said in a delivery on Wednesday. 

Utilizing this product, the understudies of the college will have the option to finish all the exercises, including topping off assessment structures on the web and gathering the assessment section structures. Test outcomes will likewise be distributed on the web. 

Understudies will have the option to download their temporary testament and records online inside five working long periods of distribution of results. 

Every understudy will have a different profile on the site, where their own data, results, and other data will be put away. 

Likewise, all lobbies/divisions will have the option to see and check all the data of the understudies on the web. Auto Rollsheet Generator can without much of a stretch perform different exercises, including planning of test outcomes and all measurements identified with tests, the delivery said. 

Utilizing the help choice, understudies can impart their issues to the varsity specialists and get them settled. 

"The product has been ready for the digitization of different exercises identified with assessments of understudies of Dhaka University," the VC said at the occasion went to by the overall secretary of the Dhaka University Teachers Association, Nizamul Haque Bhuiyan.

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