Stand Against Racism

A message to my newborn son


I don’t want you to still be fighting for equality in 20 years’ time. Here are my hopes for your future

 Cephas Williams is founder of the Black British Network

Dear Son, 

I realize it may appear to be peculiar, me keeping in touch with you when you are only a child, yet when you are mature enough to understand this, you will know why I needed to compose it now. We had foreseen your appearance for about fourteen days. Prior to your due date, I had wanted to turn off my telephone and separate from the world so I could zero in the entirety of my experience on you. At that point something awful occurred. On 25 May, a man named George Floyd was unnecessarily executed by cops in America, just on the grounds that he was dark. The news ventured out to homes far and wide, and nobody could excuse it. 

In certain spots, individuals with skin like yours and mine are not regarded equivalent to other people or with the regard they merit. I realized that for your future I needed to stand firm. Unfortunately, George was not the primary individual to pass on basically for being dark. A huge number of individuals of color have languished over ages. Incidentally, the possibility that white individuals are better than others flourished in the public arena like a difficult weed in a nursery. Individuals are so used to seeing it, they don't value that it's gagging the decency out of our reality. 

It's occasionally hard to have discussions about bigotry in the UK, since it's not generally self-evident. It's not in every case simply a domineering jerk calling you names. Some of the time it's a lot harder to nail down than that. It's about botched chances and contrary decisions, which prevent individuals of color from regularly feeling equivalent. Numerous parts of bigotry that individuals of color experience go un-noted or are straight denied. Now and then, with an end goal to quiet or keep away from the unforgiving real factors of the dark experience, we are packed along with other ethnic gatherings, characterized by expressions, for example, "BAME", "burdened gatherings", "minorities, etc. With the end goal for us to truly roll out an improvement, we need to give each experience breathing room. 

Along my excursion, I have gone over numerous individuals who state that they comprehend the significance of making a world with equivalent open doors for individuals of color. They know in their souls that the world is definitely not a reasonable spot and they need to help, however regularly I have discovered they are searching for arrangements that cause them to feel great, rather than arrangements that achieve significant change. 

Actually, nobody is great. Indeed, even I can't guarantee you that I won't commit errors along my excursion. The more I attempted to take a stab at flawlessness the more I understood there is no "'great"', just improvement. Zion, there comes a period where we should all hold up a mirror and perceive the truth about things. This incorporates those in seats of intensity, initiative and duty, utilizing this mirror to assess our existence and their frameworks. What is fundamental inside our way of life isn't steady of the change we are attempting to make. Individuals must comprehend that the safe place is a lovely spot, however nothing actually develops there. To improve we should reflect, and the nearest thing flawlessly is reflection. 

When you are 20, I need to see an existence where individuals of color are dealt with reasonably and managed similar open doors as their white partners. An existence where all identities exist next to each other, with affection and regard for one another's disparities. I need to see an existence where an individual of color can certainly say they need to be the PM of the United Kingdom, France or Spain, or the head of any nation they are brought up in besides, and for it not to feel out of reach or far-fetched. 

An existence where we have satisfactory dark portrayal over the meeting rooms, everything being equal, where an individual of color can be the CEO of a significant media combination, film studio or record name, not simply the individual producing the multibillion-dollar innovative yield. An existence where an individual of color can be the supervisor of a Premier League football club, or the CEO of the FA or Premier League itself, similarly as usually as they are seen on the pitch. 

I need to see an existence where the genuine history of individuals of color is instructed as a component of a decolonised educational program, not a set of experiences that starts and finishes with subjugation. A world wherein we are not molded to despise others yet rather to anticipate the best, where generosity is the need and joy the objective. 

I realize it appears to be a ton to ask, yet in all actuality, we have far to go. This is the reason I'm devoting my subsequent stages to you. I'm assembling the Black British Network, a UK union of individuals of color and our non-dark partners, the individuals who are fearless and ground breaking enough to remain with us, side by side and help make the change we have to see. To ensure that when you are 20 years of age you are not taking on similar conflicts we needed to battle. 

Our center will be to destroy foundational prejudice and make an equivalent battleground for the monetary headway of the African American population in the UK. 

This is me sending you love from 2020, with the expectation that when you read this letter, in anyway numerous years' time, you will have the option to see the progressions we made and realize that we made them for you, thus that numerous others like you can live and fill in harmony. 

This is my letter to you, Zion, my child and our future. 

Sent with adoration and expectation, 


• Cephas Williams is a picture taker and author of the Black British Network. This is a curtailed rendition of his Letter to Zion. For the full letter and to help the Black British Network, visit 

• To purchase the Guardian's Black history wallcharts, visit the Guardian bookshop and use code 15CHART for a half markdown 

The discussion on race ... 

… is simply beginning. Individuals the whole way across the world have stood firm against police viciousness and bigotry, and the Guardian remains in solidarity with the battle for truth, humankind and equity. We accept that our job is to introduce current realities, report on occasions direct, and give an open, comprehensive stage for the voices of ethnic minorities to be heard by millions. 

2020 has plainly given us that police severity unjustifiably targets individuals of color, and we've seen the racial imbalances of Covid-19 – from the size of the death toll, to the cataclysmic monetary ramifications for people and organizations. We're focused on helping recount the accounts that should be told, from individuals who have the right to be tuned in to. With your help, we can heighten our desire. 

You've perused 9 articles in the most recent year. Also, you're in good company; millions are running to the Guardian for quality news consistently. We accept everybody merits admittance to verifiable data, and investigation that has authority and uprightness. That is the reason, in contrast to numerous others, we settled on a decision: to keep Guardian detailing open for all, paying little mind to where they live or what they can stand to pay. 

As an open, autonomous news association we examine, investigate and uncover the activities of people with significant influence, unafraid. Without any investors or tycoon proprietor, our news-casting is liberated from political and business inclination – this makes us extraordinary. We can give a voice to the persecuted and disregarded, and remain in solidarity with the individuals who are requiring a more attractive future. With your assist we with canning have any kind of effect. 

We're resolved to give news coverage that helps every one of us better comprehend the world, and take activities that challenge, join together, and move change – in the midst of emergency and past. Our work would not be conceivable without our perusers, who presently uphold our work from 180 nations around the globe.

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