Blackhole eats up the whole Star

 It is unbelievable when a blackhole eats up the whole star. Well, this is unbelievable but a most common phenomena taking place in space. These are the photographs  taken by using multiple telescopes by the space scientists.

The event took place around 215 million light years a way which is not so far enough for not to be alert!! Supermassive blackhole can eat up the whole solar system though! Thank God, we are still safely living on a small planet, Earth.

There are blackholes which act deadly as their appetite are slightly stronger as they eat up stars for reducing hunger.

 All jokes apart, lets explain a bit how the process takes place. When any unfortunate planet gets too closer to the orbit of a super massive blackhole; the tremendous force of Gravity produced by the whole pulls the planet or the star towards its surface. 

When the star starts getting swallowed up, millions of particles i.e. dust, stones, rocks and so on are spilled out vigorously. Therefore, a clean video (time lapse) or photograph can not be taken easily. But this time, the scientists and space workers got lucky enough to capture this deadly beauty.

The star which went inside of the blockhole's tummy was larger in weight or mass than our sol (sun); compared to 1 million kilos but the size or proportion was similar to it. Just imagine, if this huge star can be swallowed up that easily, how long will it take to swallow our own planet ??🌎🌍 Well, I do not want to imagine this scenario though .

Faria Benteh Rahman, Marketing Researcher (Catware As), Norway

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